domingo, 19 de setembro de 2021

The Mask of Hipocrisy

The Brazilian singer, an entitled girl from Rio, is now maskless embarrassing Brazilians at Madame Tussaud's museum. 

Anitta, the new "queen of caviar socialism" who is now on the board of a very capitalist bank in Brazil is being, ironically - immortalized - at a time when mortality from a pandemic still worries the world, except her, who continued to move on with her career during the lockdowns promoting large gatherings and being negligent about social distance policies. 

In Italy, where the numbers of deaths from COVID-19 were catastrophic the girl from Rio was having a blast going on stage, singing, twerking, and hypnotizing the Italian audience with all the sensuality she has while lives were being vanished and coffins were piling up, ma va bene. Wearing the hypocrisy mask she kicked from party to party: Miami, New York, snowy places (she is crazy about the snow), and when she returned to Brazil she was following the hypocrites "stay home" script; the repertoire of equal rights that she preaches so much in social media while she acts the total opposite - promoting segregation. I am sure you know some of these people... 

... The "Stay home" people that never stayed home, those who attended all the unlicensed circuit parties, gathered in bars drinking more cosmopolitans than Carrie Bradshaw, traveled wherever they could all over the globe flying like birds with no limits - and all this before the vaccines were released. These hypocrites who desperately need a shot of sympathy and an injection of integrity are now being represented by her, the almost international singer who dreams to become a Beyoncé but who has no talent, commitment, or social responsibility to match. Anitta is an incredible marketer. That no one can deny. Period.

Using marketing strategies and following the cancelation policy of the "new normal" she - smart as she is - created a censorship system very effective and similar used by communist dictators in the past and now applied by social media platforms. If you for instance post anything that goes against her, an uncountable amount of fake profiles, haters, and nonexistent club fans comes viciously with the intention to bring you down, report you, cancel you before your information can be spread: remove who thinks differently or have a valid point of view. 

This terrible virus, which could possibly go through thousands of mutations in the next semester, will take away the rest of the freedom we still have, nevertheless we will have to remain strong and fight against this evil but if we have to wear a mask let's not wear the hypocrite one.


domingo, 12 de setembro de 2021

Estátua de Cera, cara de pau

A garota da hipocrisia, ops do Rio, está completamente "sem máscaras" representando o Brasil no museu de cera Madame Tussauds de Nova York.

Anitta, a nova "rainha do socialismo caviar", que hoje faz parte do Conselho de um banco bem capitalista no país, está sendo, por ironia do destino - imortalizada - numa época em que a mortalidade decorrida de uma pandemia ainda preocupa o mundo - exceto ela que, no ápice do lockdown, continuou seguindo com sua carreira bem na linha tô nem aí: aglomerando, conglomerando, lacrando e desreipeitando as regras de convivência social.

Na Itália, onde os números de mortes por COVID-19 eram alarmantes, ela rebolava até o chão enquanto os caixões se empilhavam, ma va bene. Com a máscara da hipocrisia, ela foi quicando de festa em festa: Miami, New York, lugares de neve (ela ama fotos na neve), e  quando retornava ao Brasil ela seguia o script dos hipócritas de plantão; o repertório de direitos igualitários que ela tanto prega e que pratica o oposto quando alguém tem opinião contrária. Você com certeza conhece pessoas dessa turma...

...A turma do fica em casa mas que não parou em casa, que estiveram em todas as festas clandestinas, se aglomeraram em bares, viajaram pra onde conseguiam - isso tudo antes de liberarem a vacina - e quando sobrava um tempinho iam pras redes sociais pra lacrar. Esses hipócritas, que merecem uma injeçäo de se mancol, estão hoje sendo representados por ela, pela quase cantora internacional que sonha em ser uma Beyoncé, mas que não tem talento, comprometimento e nem responsabilidade social à altura. Anitta é uma excelente marqueteira. Isso ninguém pode negar. Ponto!

Usando as estratégias de marketing e seguindo a política do cancelamento do "novo normal" ela - esperta como só - criou um sistema de censura bem parecido com o de grandes ditadores e até das atuais redes sociais. É você postar qualquer coisa que as "relações púbricas" dela não aprove e um emaranhado de contas fakes, haters e fã clubes de mentirinha vem pra cima com o intuito de te denunciar, censurar, cancelar: deletar os mensageiros que propagam verdades secretas, mas que estão descaradas e o povo finge não ver.

Esse virus terrível que, possivelmente, poderá sofrer umas trocentas mutações no próximo semestre, irá tirar o pouco da liberdade que ainda nos resta, mas teremos que seguirmos fortes para combatermos esse mal e ,se ainda tivermos que usar máscaras, que não seja a da hipocrisia.

sábado, 20 de fevereiro de 2021

Gods of Instagram

Look cute. Post pictures. Get fuc**d! Fine, we all know the drill. And the more followers we get, the bigger the ego. But who are we when our phones are off? Are we connected with ourselves, or are we in airplane mode, flying through this trip called life on autopilot? What is our mission on this planet? 

This past week, four people I have been talking with online for a long time shared their feelings in a way that I felt obliged to write about. Hot guys with successful lives are struggling with depression and suicidal thoughts. They are not even scared of Coronavirus because they are already dead inside – and, as we know, the world does not stop just because we want to cry. People who only saw value in the number of likes, people who were raised to win the game all the time, are now facing the worst battle they were never prepared for: loneliness. Social media – in general – despite all its benefits, brought social anxiety, addiction, and an uncontrollable sense of competition and confusion: we are calling strangers our friends and saying “I love you” when we actually mean “good bye.” 

Every time we meet someone – especially in the gay community – they ask some basic stupid questions: “Which gym do you go to? What do you do for a living? What’s your Instagram account?" After checking your number of followers, your pictures, and your friends in common, they can calculate how much respect they are gonna give. It does not matter who we are. We can be dumb douche bags, but if we have more than 100 K followers, for example... we are considered GODS!  

Two things we should always have in mind: nobody is getting any younger, and this moment will never come back. E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G is temporary, and we should use this time in our favor. Life is a gift. Our body is our vessel. The money we have does not belong to us; it’s just our turn to spend it. Our friends are the family we can choose, and social media can be very tricky if we don’t set some boundaries. We have been prioritizing our likes – our virtual value – over the actual number of lives we can touch in real life. The need to go viral has surpassed Coronavirus, and there is no treatment or vaccine for such vanity. We are being controlled by artificial engagements instead of calling a real friend to check how they are holding up. We never know...each day we wake up could be the last day of our lives or somebody else's. We have no idea how much power we have to transform people’s lives just by saying “I love you” when we really mean it or by bringing positive solutions instead of criticizing. And if we need help, we should always ask; it is smarter to face a war with other soldiers than alone. 

The world is going through a huge transformation, and, as expected, in every new cycle we tend to lose. Some doors are closed. Some situations need to be left behind; some people need to say goodbye: I’m sorry for your loss. But in every new chapter there is a chance to start fresh, to find a new version of ourselves, a reason to wake up every morning. 

We are bigger than our “posts” and we should stop judging people by the number of likes or impressions. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence (or the screen) - most of the time everything is just a circus! And even if it were greener, we should focus on ourselves and respect people’s lives. Everyone has a different timeline. Sometimes we win, sometimes we lose. We can’t be in the trending topics everyday (and, believe me, you don’t want that!). In the end, we are all in the same boat, trying to find ways to be noticed, to be loved and accepted.


When likes and followers come quickly, it is a very big test. Those who have not worked hard to get any recognition in life and become “celebrities” overnight tend to have huge mental issues even in the short term: it messes around with their attitude. It makes them think they are ruling the world...they instantly become Gods until they are no longer themselves... and then – game over! 

Written by: BRUNNO – Bruno de Abreu Rangel 

Edited by: Daniel Franken